Friday, November 27, 2009

Finding Books Abroad

Tim and I are both avid readers so while packing for our trip, we struggled with how many books to take with us to keep us occupied and were not sure how to replenish that supply while abroad.  It has been surprising how easy it has been to pick up new books while traveling for little or no cost.  

In Europe, most of the hostels had a free book exchange and we could usually find one or two English language crime mysteries in non-English speaking countries.  In the UK, caravan parks typically had a book exchange available for a donation to the gardening fund or would accept trades.  The visitor centers in Australia were a great place to exchange books and often had a surprisingly decent range of titles available.  There was even a small library available at our place in Vanuatu.

While we did stock up a couple of times when we came across good sales at local book stores, our primary source of books has been book exchanges were we've stayed.  The selection has sometimes left something to be desired, but we have yet to run out of reading material.

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