Monday, June 29, 2009

Heat Wave in London

It has been in the mid-80's here with more of the same forecasted through the end of the week. Needless to say that's a bit warm for London. We had a couple of days of 80+ weather in Munich, but have not had this sustained heat since leaving Athens. It's a bit muggy, but still much easier to bear than New York in July.

We slept in this morning and then headed off to the London Zoo. Once you get past the sticker shock of admission, it is actually a quite nice zoo. They have a focus on conservation and breeding so you know your money is going to a good cause. The habitats are really nice all around. There is even a "Meet the Monkeys" exhibit where you get to walk through the habitat with the monkeys. I stood inches away from a Tamarind.

We finished the day with Greek Tapas along the Thames at "The Real Greek". Lovely food and great people watching. They have hard core runners here. I've never been a runner so I just don't understand the draw, but it seems to be a popular form of exercise.

Still figuring out what to do during the day tomorrow. We have tickets to "As You Like It" at the Globe Theater tomorrow evening. Should be another good day in the sun.

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